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Battling Burnout from Working from Home

A modern workspace at home
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• Burnout can be prevented by creating a dedicated workspace, scheduling breaks, unplugging from work, and getting out and socializing.

• Taking breaks helps prevent burnout by giving you time to relax and reset before diving back into your work tasks.

• Unplugging will give you the time to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying active.

• Getting out and socializing can also help reduce feelings of burnout by ensuring you stay connected to the outside world.

Working from home has benefits but can also be tiring and stressful. You may feel like you are constantly in the same environment, and this can lead to feelings of burnout. With the ever-increasing pressures of remote work, many feel overwhelmed, overworked, and completely burned out. But don’t worry—there are ways to help keep yourself energized and productive throughout the day. Here’s a guide on how to battle burnout while working from home.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

The first step in battling burnout is creating a dedicated workspace separate from your living space. This will help you establish boundaries between your work life and home life, which can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Try to find an area with plenty of natural light or maximize the airflow by opening windows in the room. When setting up your workspace, ensure it’s comfortable and organized—it should be somewhere you want to spend time.

Here are the considerations when designing your workspace:

Pick a Budget-Friendly But Comfortable Furniture

The furniture you use can have a huge effect on your productivity levels. Invest in quality but budget-friendly pieces that provide adequate comfort and support. Consider buying used office furniture like used office chairs, used office desks, and used filing cabinets—all of which can help you set up a functional workspace that doesn’t break your budget. Not only will used furniture be more affordable, but it will also last for years.

Set Up Your Computer Monitors at the Proper Height

Position your computer monitors at the right height to prevent neck strain and fatigue, which can lead to burnout. Aim to level the top of the screen with your eyes when you’re seated. Use a monitor stand or mount your monitors on the wall to adjust the height. This is because staring down at your monitors excessively can cause eye strain.

Declutter and Organize

Organizing your workspace can help reduce stress levels, increase focus, and make it easier for you to get work done. Spend some time decluttering your desk by removing any unnecessary items that are taking up space. Utilize storage solutions like shelves or drawers to store your belongings and organize them according to their purpose. You can also consider multi-function furniture like a desk with shelves or a filing cabinet.

Schedule Breaks & Take Time for Yourself

Scheduling breaks throughout the day can help keep you energized and focused on your work tasks. It also lets you clear your head and reset for the next task. Whether taking a walk around the block or reading a book for 15 minutes, take time each day to relax without feeling guilty about it. Scheduling regular breaks can help you stay motivated and productive throughout the day instead of feeling overwhelmed with all that needs to get done.

According to research, taking breaks can help prevent burnout. Breaks allow us to take a step back and reflect on our daily goals and accomplishments. It gives you time to relax and reset before diving back into your work tasks.

Unplug & Take Time Away From Work

It can be tempting to constantly connect through email or Slack notifications when working from home. But this leads to burnout quickly! Make sure you take some time away from work each day or each week, so you don’t become too overwhelmed by all that needs to get done. Taking time away will help give you perspective on what needs to be done and allow you to return feeling recharged after some much-needed restorative time off.

Unplugging will also give you the time to take care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and stay active by walking or doing yoga. These activities can help you feel refreshed and energized when it’s time to work.

Get Out and Socialize

Working from home can be lonely and isolating. To prevent burnout, it’s important to make time for socializing. You can call a friend or family for much-needed conversation or join an online community with like-minded people. This will ensure you stay connected to the outside world and can help reduce feelings of burnout. Keeping a social connection can also help with problem-solving and productivity.

Burnout is a common issue among those who work from home, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. You can stay focused and productive without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted with the right strategies. Follow these tips to help you battle burnout while working from home.

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