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How to Make a Small Space Look Bigger

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You’re standing at the doorway of your dream apartment, and you realize it’s a little smaller than when you first looked at it. Well, it’s too late to change your mind because you’ve paid the deposit and you’ve signed the lease agreement already, so all that’s left for you to do is to work with what you’ve got.

It’s tough to make a small apartment look and feel bigger than it actually is, and there are so many compromises you have to make. From swapping out that big cozy couch for something that fits better, choosing which photos and artwork to hang up on the wall in a way that won’t look cluttered, it can be easy to mess up decorating your new space. That is why the secret lies in being a mindful designer.

An interior painting service can make your home feel fresher. Your new apartment is a blank canvas, and if you’d like to maximize the space you have, here are a few tips that skilled interior designers keep in mind when faced with the challenge of working with a smaller unit.

1. Think small

The large chaise longue you’ve been eyeing? That probably isn’t a good idea. Larger furniture is for people with more space in their homes to spare, so shopping for smaller pieces is wiser. Instead of a full-sized couch, get a smaller one, and maybe even try out beanbags for a cozier feel. Be strategic with what you get because filling up your space will land you with a cluttered home.

However, an exception to this rule is getting a larger piece with multiple functions, like a small couch that can be pulled out into a bed or shelves that can act as space dividers. You might want to check out thrift stores and bespoke shops. Some department stores may also have smaller furniture too, so ask an attendant for help.

2. Avoid cluttered centers

Doing this will open up the place and will keep your apartment from looking too cramped. It’s a neat trick that designers use to make an area look bigger: free up the center, and your brain will instantly register it as, “Oh, this place must be bigger than I thought!”

A good way to do this is to push bigger pieces of furniture against the wall, like a couch or table. Give your living area some space to breathe, and your apartment will look bigger without having to give up essential items for the sake of making it look more spacious.

3. Opt for a convertible desk

Now that working from home has become a necessity for many people, getting a multipurpose desk is important. Take it from us: trying to work in bed is a surefire way to getting distracted since you’re bringing work into a space meant for rest. And since desks take up a good amount of space in a room, you have to get one that can be used for more than work.

Convertible desks can act as a workspace by the time you need them and as a focal point after hours. You can decorate it however you want and even add more storage space like detachable drawers to maximize its functions.

4. Separate a room into distinct areas

Many studio apartments don’t have rooms or dividers. Since you’ll need to set aside space for your bed, your living space, and a kitchen area, it’s up to you to decorate accordingly. If done correctly, you can distinguish where your living area starts and where the dining area starts without the need for large pieces of furniture, like dividers or a bookshelf cutting the space in half.

This is where rugs come in. A large rug placed in the center of the living space can set this specific zone’s theme. If the rug is a rich brown evoking a more rustic vibe, you can choose pieces that tie in with the color. A driftwood coffee table, throw pillows in earth tones, and maybe even a couple of wall art and accents that match. A rug can visually tie things together, so if you’re looking to section off zones, it’s a good move.

Having a smaller space does not necessarily mean one has to live small and feel cramped in their apartment. Use these interior design tips to make the most out of your new home, and push the boundaries of functionality by incorporating smarter choices into your decoration process. It’s not about how big your space is; it’s more about how you work with what you currently have.

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