Post-Dental Surgery Care: What Should You Do?

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Singapore has some of the best street foods in Asia. So it’s no surprise that there’s bound to be some dental issues from all the sugary and oily foods. But with all of the professionals that flock towards the lion city, no shortage of dentists and endodontists will help treat your teeth. The last thing that you want when you’re at your job is getting distracted by your toothache.

However, other than a tooth extraction, root canal treatment is the best way of saving your teeth. We’re sure that nobody wants to have a gaping hole in their teeth as they smile, especially if you work in a business-focused city like Singapore.

But to set your expectations, root canal treatment is easier said than done. It can be a painful process, and it’s going to take some time for your teeth to recover. Despite all that, it has been a tried-and-tested process that will save your teeth from decay.

We understand that root canal treatment might be daunting, especially if you’re not prepared for the irritation and discomfort that comes after the process. Don’t worry because we’re here to hold your hand throughout the process by giving you some useful post-dental advice.

Post-Dental Surgery Maintenance

Even though this treatment might be a painful process, it’s still a necessary one, nonetheless. While it might cause pain, too much ache can be a cause for concern. So what are some ways of mitigating pain right after your treatment? Here are some effective practices that will help you through the pain.

When Is Pain Considered Too Much?

Typically, the pain on the affected tooth and the surrounding areas will subside in a few days. However, there are some instances where it does not recede. If it remains present after a few days, that might have been caused by fillings that weren’t correctly smoothed or by sensitive gums that have been subjected to discomfort.

If the discomfort persists, you can book for an appointment with your endodontist or dentist to evaluate the condition of your affected tooth.

What Can I Do at Home?

You won’t need any particular kind of treatment for your affected tooth since common over-the-counter drugs can do the trick and ease the ache. One effective pain reliever that you can use is ibuprofen. However, before you take it, you should consult your dentist if it is appropriate for your situation.

While taking these medications, following the instructions will yield the best results. In case the pain does not subside, contacting your endodontist will help provide a solution for the pain.

Mitigating the Pain

For foodies out there, it’s essential to be aware of how you chew your food. Chewing and grinding the affected tooth with food or your other teeth might create unnecessary pressure that can eventually lead to damage. The filling that is used on your tooth is still delicate and can affect the healing process. A fractured or split tooth is usually caused by chewing too hard with the affected tooth. If that is the case, the damage can become permanent, and the only solution would be to pull it out.

Naturally, while your tooth is healing, you can practice good dental hygiene through continuous brushing and flossing. If tooth decay can happen to one of your teeth, then it is possible to happen to the rest.

Even though your affected tooth might be aching, it’s all about how you ride the wave. Tuning out the pain with medication might help, but there are also different ways of reducing the pain. Distracting yourself by diverting your attention, keeping yourself busy, or sleeping through the pain can help.

Follow Through with Your Appointments

Dentist and dental assistant working on patient

Since your root canal will heal as time goes by, the pain will also subside after a few days. However, some individuals have higher pain tolerance than others, and our bodies will have a different response to it.

Always be there for your follow-up appointments. Communication is a two-way process, and giving constant updates to your dentist will provide them with a bigger picture of how your affected tooth is.

There are thousands of treatments and surgeries that are done each year by certified medical professionals, so you won’t have to worry too much about the pain. Plus, readily available over-the-counter pain relievers can quickly numb it for you.

Slowly but surely, the pain will subside, and you can resume your daily programming without any distractions. If you’re still experiencing severe and long-lasting bouts of pain, there’s no hurt in going to a dentist for another appointment.

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