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Setting Up a Theater Group at School: What You’ll Need

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A theater group can benefit kids by allowing them to explore their creative side. It can also be an excellent way for kids to make friends and have fun. However, some schools do not have theater groups. If you are a teacher with a passion for theater acting, you might want to consider starting one.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to start one, especially if the school is tight on budget. Your intentions might be good, but you might have to be patient with the process. Here are the things you’ll need to set up a theater group at school:

Theater Space

Theater space is one of the most important things you’ll need for your theater club. It can be anything from a classroom to the school auditorium. The key is that the space should be big enough to accommodate the group and have room for staging. If your school doesn’t have a theater space, you might need to negotiate with the administration to use another part of the school, like the cafeteria or gym.

Theater spaces are vital because they provide a safe and comfortable place for kids to explore their creative side. They also allow kids to develop their skills in theater arts. In addition, theater spaces can help kids make friends and have fun. Your theater club will struggle to grow and thrive if you don’t have a theater space.

The school might already have existing spaces for your theater club’s performances. The auditorium is the most obvious choice. However, other places like the cafeteria, gym or even the library can work in a pinch. These places might not be ideal, but they can be perfect spaces for performances if necessary.

If your school has no theater spaces, you’ll need to negotiate with the administration to use another part of the school. The most likely candidates are the cafeteria or gym. These places are usually big enough to accommodate a small group of kids.

Theater Equipment

To put on a play, you’ll need some essential theater equipment. It includes things like props, costumes, and lights. You might already have some of these things lying around the house. If not, you can usually find them at garage sales or thrift stores.

Props are items used on stage to help the actors tell the story. They can be anything from furniture to weapons. You’ll need to use your imagination when it comes to props.

Costumes are clothes that the actors wear on stage. They should be appropriate for the play and the characters the actors portray. You might be able to find some costumes at a thrift store, or you can make them yourself.

Lights can create different moods on stage. You can use them to highlight certain parts of the performance. However, setting lights up will require your school to invest in boom lifts, which allow your equipment personnel to be raised or lowered on the stage.


Of course, you’ll need students to be in your theater group. You can start by recruiting students who are interested in acting. The recruitment process will require you to create a hook, which your school will likely incentivize. You can also look for students who are passionate about the theater arts. Once you have a core group of students, you can start planning your first production.

As your theater club grows, you might consider holding auditions for new members. It will help you find the best possible talent for your productions. Kids might initially feel hesitant, but they’ll be more likely to join if they see that the theater club is a fun and supportive environment.


You’ll also need at least one teacher to help you with the theater group. This person can be a co-advisor, stage manager, or parent volunteer. Having someone you can rely on to help you with the logistics of putting on a play is essential.

A co-advisor is a fellow teacher who shares your passion for theater. They can help you with the day-to-day operations of the theater club.

A stage manager ensures the actors are ready for their cue and that the props are in place. They also keep track of the rehearsal schedule. Meanwhile, a parent volunteer can be a big help, especially if they have experience in theater. They can lend a hand with set design or costumes.

Parental Support

Last but not least, you’ll need parental support to make your theater group a success. Parents can help with fundraising, transportation, and chaperoning. They can also be a great source of advice and guidance.

Getting parental support will likely be one of your biggest challenges. You’ll need to sell them on the idea of theater and its benefits for kids. Once you have their buy-in, you’ll be well on executing a successful production.


Putting on a play is a big undertaking. But with the proper preparation, your theater group can put on a fantastic show that everyone will enjoy. Just remember to have fun and let your creative side shine!

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