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The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic to Healthcare Industry

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The healthcare industry as a whole is one of the widely affected industries due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are already in the Q4 of 2020, some adjustments are still being made by healthcare providers and consumers worldwide.

It cannot be denied that the entire healthcare ecosystem was almost brought to its breaking point due to the unprecedented event. The current pandemic and its accompanying events have been a stress test for the entire healthcare industry.

The Pandemic as Factor for Change

The recent event became a point for reflection by the entire human population. As of the current, goods and services are manufactured and delivered in a unique way possible. As the healthcare industry started to adapt to the new normal, providers and consumers alike made some drastic changes.

Despite the health and financial damages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some positive changes that resulted from this global crisis, especially in healthcare, technology, and law.

Increased Interest Health-Tech Services

One of the most apparent changes in the healthcare industry was the introduction, if not compulsory use, of certain technological products or gadgets that help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Telehealth is one of the best examples of this so-called healthcare tech innovation. Telehealth aims to deliver health education, health information, and health care services via remote technologies.

The COVID-19 pandemic ignited the interests of the populace when it comes to the online consultation. In other cases, some telehealth or telemedicine technology comes with bots capable of giving out the initial diagnosis.

Booming Home Services

Despite the lifting of mandatory quarantines and lockdowns, some people are still leery of going out. They would rather have their needs delivered at their doorstep than take the risk of venturing outside.

Apart from food delivery, some health care services may also be arranged online. Home physiotherapy visits, for example, are becoming a popular option for people who need injury prevention and rehabilitation services.

Legislative Amendments

Perhaps one of the highlights of the changes that the pandemic brought to the global community is the legislative introduction or amendments. Whether it is a national law or state law, legislators introduced laws that help in addressing the health care needs of the people.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) is one of the best examples of the response of the law-making body towards ensuring the safety and benefits of families and health care workers amidst a pandemic. The same thing goes with the consideration of COVID-19 for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Learning to Adapt

The COVID-19 pandemic is truly an unprecedented event. It broke the threshold of even the top countries in the world and brought humanity into a standstill. As we continue to fight this crisis, we should always be open to change and improvement.

Borrowing the words of the famous naturalist Charles Darwin, “it is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable.” Hence, we must learn to adapt to the changes amidst the pandemic.

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