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What Introverts Could Do When They Also Reach Their Isolation Limits

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People think that introverts have it better during the lockdowns. There are no parties to miss, no awkward gatherings. But in truth, the extended time of limited movement and activities could also affect the psychological well-being of introverts. There are indeed different kinds of introverts, but even the most socially reserved has their moments of craving to meet with friends.

Moreover, for those living with other people, it means company 24/7. It is not possible to remain locked up in a room the whole time just to be alone. So introverts are stuck with the same people not by choice. It is important to mention ‘choice’ here because introverts do socialize but with a preferred group of individuals. They don’t necessarily include family members.

It ends up like an internal dilemma. Some introverts might feel the need to move to a place where they could be alone. But at the same time, prolonged isolation could feel depressing. So what can be done in this situation? The best would be to find distractions that could temporarily keep the mind busy and hopefully refreshed.

Wake up early to have a silent time at home

With people working and studying from home, sleeping in is usual. Get up an hour or two before the rest do. This gives you the time to leisurely go around the house without bumping into anyone. Take this time to prepare your mind for the rest of the day. If you are the kind who likes having a checklist, make one while enjoying tea or coffee in the kitchen. Enjoy the silence and calm for those two hours.

You could also learn how to meditate, the art and skill of leaving your mind blank and free from distractions for some minutes.

Go for a run

Exercise continues to be important. Running even if it’s just around your block will get you moving and at the same time, you could enjoy the benefits of fresh air. Do this two or three times a week. Maybe during the hour, everyone else in the family is starting to wake.

Do gardening

Plants could purify the air in your rooms and at the same time provide some freshness throughout the day. If you live with people, ask if there is a part of the backyard you could transform into your personal garden. You might want to grow vegetables and herbs other than ornamental plants. It could just be a small area, but it would be your private space other than your bedroom.

If you are hesitant since winter is just around the corner, have a cozy garden room, or a miniature greenhouse. It could even be just a corner of a room in the house if you don’t have a backyard. Learn what plants are suited for the weather in your locality. It would mean less effort in maintaining your garden later on when you are busy again. Remember that plants are still living things. It would be bad if you are only getting them while you are bored and stuck at home.

Read but try to avoid travel books.

It is nice to daydream about your next travel destination, but the sad reality is that it is not certain when you could go. You might occasionally want to read about new places to keep your wanderlust burning, but tone it down. It could get frustrating and suffocating when reality hits you again. It’s the same for novels set in those far away places. The feeling after the end of the novel, knowing that your own story is still stuck at home and barely moving could be depressing.

Maybe it would be good to read some theoretical or self-help books instead. If you strongly want to connect to another country, learn their language. It would feel that you are doing something, preparing for your trip, other than wishing and dreaming.

For women, romance novels are not a good idea either. Especially now that the interaction with human beings in real situations is less, the novels might lead to idealized expectations of relationships.

The mind wanders too much during this time. Be wary. If you start feeling the pangs of sadness, check what you have been thinking about. Turn them into something else. Try not to think too much of the past. If you are to think about the future, make it a goal that you could do something about now.

The restrictions due to the health crisis are not yet fully lifted. The normal might still be far away. Keep your mind healthy. Instead of resisting the situation, try to take advantage of the little respites it is offering.

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