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What You Need To Know About Allergy Triggers in the Spring

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Spring is finally here, and with it comes the sunshine, warmer temperatures, and for many people—allergies. It’s estimated by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America that nearly 50 million Americans suffer from allergies of some kind. During the spring season, many of these people find themselves dealing with sneezing, coughing, itching eyes, and other typical symptoms. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your allergies this season, don’t worry. Here are some common allergy triggers to look out for in the springtime and how to prevent exposure.


Pollen is one of the most notorious allergy triggers during the spring, and even though it’s invisible to the naked eye, it can cause a lot of misery. Pollen is produced by plants as part of their reproductive process, but when it floats through the air into the nose or mouth, it can cause bodies to react negatively with allergic reactions like sneezing and wheezing.

The best way to protect yourself against pollen is to stay indoors as much as possible on days when pollen counts are high (you can check online for daily pollen counts in your area). If you do need to go outside on days when pollen counts are high, make sure you wear a mask or scarf over your face so that you don’t inhale any of it directly into your body.


Mold thrives in warm moist environments, which makes springtime an ideal time for mold growth—especially since there are more rain showers this time of year. Mold spores can irritate your respiratory system if they get into your lungs, causing coughing, wheezing, and asthma-like symptoms.

To reduce your exposure to mold spores, try using an air purifier which will help filter out some of these pesky allergens. Also, remember to areas where moisture accumulates well-ventilated so that mold doesn’t have a chance to grow unchecked.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny microscopic insects that feed off dead skin cells and dust particles. They thrive in warm, humid environments like mold, so they’re another common allergen during springtime.

In some cases, it might not be possible to completely get rid of dust mites, but you can take steps to reduce their numbers. It’s also helpful to know the symptoms of dust mite allergies—itchy eyes and sneezing are common signs.

Prevention Through Home Improvements

Fortunately, if you’re serious about reducing your allergies this spring and beyond, there are a few home improvements that you can make which will help create an allergen-free environment. Here are some effective examples:

1. Fix any roof damage.

Cracks or holes in your roof can make pollen, mold, and other allergens easier to enter your home. This is why experienced roofers should be called out if you notice any damage on your roof. They would be able to repair it in a timely manner and help reduce your exposure to allergens.

2. Install window screens.

Window screens can also help prevent allergens from entering your home. It’s especially helpful if you have pets or children who frequently open windows during the warmer months. If possible, try installing screens specifically designed to block out allergens.

3. Clean air filters regularly.

Air filters help remove dust and pollen from the air inside your home, but they need to be checked and cleaned regularly in order to keep them functioning correctly. It’s especially important to clean them during the spring—when pollen levels are at their highest.

4. Vacuum thoroughly.

Vacuums are incredibly helpful when it comes to reducing allergens in your home. Make sure you’re vacuuming (with a HEPA filter) at least once a week—especially if you have carpeting that can trap dust and other particles.

5. Wash bedding often.

Dust mites love to hide in bedding and mattresses, so it’s crucial to wash sheets and pillowcases at least once a week. This will help reduce the number of dust mites that are lurking in your bedroom. Not to mention, it’s also just good hygiene.

Allergies can be tough to deal with, especially during the springtime when many different types of allergens are floating around in the air outside homes. But by knowing what triggers these allergies and taking steps such as staying indoors on days with high pollen counts, wearing masks over faces, vacuuming frequently, washing bedding often, and investing in allergen-proof covers, you can reduce exposure to these allergens. So take some time today to learn about common allergy triggers in your area to prepare you for any potential flare-ups this spring.

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