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Your Guide to Using an Animal Ultrasound Machine

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In this segment of the “Veterinary Ultrasound Training” YouTube video, the speaker provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a thorough liver scan using an animal ultrasound machine. The process commences by positioning the patient in dorsal recumbency and preparing the abdomen for shaving to facilitate better access to the liver. Utilizing an 8c probe, the speaker initiates the scan in a long-axis plane, starting at the xiphoid and skillfully angling the probe under the ribs to visualize the liver without interference from the stomach.

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Throughout the scan, the speaker places particular emphasis on key anatomical features, such as the gallbladder, identified by its thin wall and the potential presence of sludge in its lumen. The scanning procedure continues along the right thoracic wall until reaching the kidney, after which the focus shifts to the left side to assess the left lateral liver lobes. In a transverse plane, the porta hepatis is examined, enabling the visualization of both hepatic and portal veins.

The speaker diligently evaluates the liver’s parenchyma and echo texture, noting its relatively angular shape. The systematic approach extends beyond the liver, with the scan progressing to examine other organs such as the spleen, kidneys, and urinary bladder. This comprehensive walkthrough contributes to an effective veterinary ultrasound training session, ensuring a detailed understanding of the scanning process for practitioners in the field.


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