Get That Glowing Skin Overnight with These Tips

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Nothing beats the feeling of healthy, glowing, and radiant skin, especially if you have a first date coming up. Yes, even in the day and age of social media, people still get excited over the prospect of meeting someone in person for the first time. It’s even more exciting if it’s a blind date arranged for you by friends who know exactly who you might fall for eventually. Unfortunately, not every one of us can achieve that glowing skin in a matter of days, much less a day. So, what happens if you need to get that radiant skin a day before a big first date?

But before you get that glowing skin, you must first understand what it means. Glowing skin means a well-hydrated and super moisturized complexion that has the right touch of natural oil. It cannot be too oily or too dry. Anything beyond the subtle tint of natural oil is a skin issue.

Eat Salmon

You will be surprised that a number of good things about your skin can be derived from the food that you eat. Before your first date, eat fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel. These are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids that can help your skin look radiant and supple. Salmon, in particular, is good for the skin because it adds a soft pink glow to your face. Eat salmon a few hours before your date, though make sure to brush your teeth afterward.

Stay Hydrated

You’ve heard about this before, but you should make an extra effort to hydrate 24 hours before the date. Drink a lot of water. Put water in a cute flask and take it with you wherever you go. Take a swig every few minutes. Your skin will thank you for it. You might be going to the restroom more than usual, but the water will remove the toxins from your body, too.

Drink Citrus Juices

Free radicals from pollution, the sun, and computer screens and phones can also wreak havoc on your skin. The solution to that is to take in many antioxidants that you can get from freshly squeezed citrus fruits such as oranges. This will hydrate your skin.

As an alternative, you can also take vitamin C or put on vitamin C antioxidant lotion in the morning and evening. Slather the lotion all over your body to keep your skin moisturized because it is full of antioxidants. Because of the pandemic, you might be forced to stay more at home. That means dry skin, which is a no-no for a first date.

Use Sunscreen

Are you going out a day before the date? If you have some activities outdoors, make sure to put sunscreen on your face and body. Even when it’s not sunny outside, you should still have some kind of protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. These are harmful to your skin and may lead to red patches, uneven skin tone, and sunburns. You don’t want that on your first date.

Apply a Sheet Mask the Night Before

Do you have a preferred sheet mask brand? Make sure to put one on your face the night before to give you that glowing skin. Just don’t leave it beyond the recommended time because it can also cause your skin to dry and get red. Some ingredients that you must look for in a sheet mask are activated charcoal, honey, rose, green tea, and tea tree oil. Wash your face with lukewarm water the morning after putting on that mask and see the difference it makes.

Exfoliate Your Skin

One of the best ways to make your skin shine is to remove the dead skin cells on the surface. That means you need to exfoliate. Do this a day before the date. That gives your skin enough time to heal from the exfoliation process. Some facial scrubs can be used every day, though it’s still much better to use a chemical exfoliant that you will just have to apply on your face. You won’t need to scrub the dead skin cells away. This process will allow the skin underneath to glow. Exfoliate three times a week to maintain that radiance.

First dates, of course, are always exciting. You want to look your best. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to have that radiant skin before the actual date. But the most important thing really is to have a skin-care routine that you can stick to. This routine should maintain that glow in your skin no matter if you have a first date or not.

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